Unprofessional! Over charges on things he doesn t do for your horses! Claims to be well respected in his profession and community which he is not! Lacks communication skills and proper collections of unpaid debts over his huge over billing on his services! Lies to his clients about conditions of your horse and never follows through on his scheduling commitments to his customers. Thug like collections against those that need to make payments to him makes him look like a mob boss not a business owner.
My advice, take it or leave it, find another vet that truly cares about their customers and the animals they treat. Don t fall for the MY PRICES ARE THE LOWEST bit. he is good at that! His wife and him over bill and charges and claims they are well like in the community! I would check around first before you consider this guy! Just my own opinion of what I ve witnessed as a horse owner myself!
Unprofessional! Over charges on things he doesn t do for your horses! Claims to be well respected in his profession and community which he is not! Lacks communication skills and proper collections of unpaid debts over his huge over billing on his services! Lies to his clients about conditions of your horse and never follows through on his scheduling commitments to his customers. Thug like collections against those that need to make payments to him makes him look like a mob boss not a business owner. My advice, take it or leave it, find another vet that truly cares about their customers and the animals they treat. Don t fall for the MY PRICES ARE THE LOWEST bit. he is good at that! His wife and him over bill and charges and claims they are well like in the community! I would check around first before you consider this guy! Just my own opinion of what I ve witnessed as a horse owner myself!