I am extremely happy with Ambassadors Health Alliance. I went at the recommendation of another health provider as well as a friend. I've been dealing with issues from a car accident for a year and half that other providers either couldn't fully diagnose, or couldn't fully treat. Dr Rummel was able to identify a cause and plan of action for every one of my odd issues, and was very thorough. That may be the least rushed I've ever felt with a provider. I will happily post another update as we work on my pain.
I am extremely happy with Ambassadors Health Alliance. I went at the recommendation of another health provider as well as a friend. I've been dealing with issues from a car accident for a year and half that other providers either couldn't fully diagnose, or couldn't fully treat. Dr Rummel was able to identify a cause and plan of action for every one of my odd issues, and was very thorough. That may be the least rushed I've ever felt with a provider. I will happily post another update as we work on my pain.