As a student of the Aesthetics Institute, I can in in all honesty say that this school has IT. I have never been to a school where students are so eager to learn and to provide fantastic services to their clients. We use great products, have more machines than you can imagine, and we learn from the best. I am very glad I chose AI. Here, I know that we are learning far beyond just the basics of Esthetics- I mean, come on, Intense Pulsed Light laser hair removal course and Medical Esthetics offered? Oh yes, we have that.
What I didn't know when I graduated from this school was whether my training equipped me with the skills that were actual used in the outside world. Once out there and practicing, I soon realized that I was VERY WELL TRAINED AND EQUIPED. Where I might have lacked the confedence, I have found that I could rely on my skills to handle/manage a successful service. It could not have been a better choice in schools. Choosing this school was best decsion I've ever made. Chin Chin Best Lj